Latest Product Design Trends for 2024

Christian Bourgeois . November 27, 2023

In this fast-paced digital age, staying on top of the latest product design trends is paramount for any business aiming to make a significant impact in the market. As we venture into 2024, it’s crucial to align your design strategies with the prevailing trends to stand out from the competition and cater to the evolving needs and preferences of your target audience. This article delves into the most prominent product design trends that are set to shape the landscape in 2024.

PC: Diversityintoys

1.Sustainability takes the lead

Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it’s a lifestyle. In 2024, we’ll see an even stronger push towards eco-friendly and sustainable product design. Thanks to companies such as Patagonia, AllBirds, and GreenToys, consumers are increasingly conscious of their environmental footprint, and they expect businesses to do their part. Implementing sustainable design practices, such as using recyclable materials, reducing waste, and ensuring energy efficiency, can not only attract environmentally conscious customers but also contribute to a better world.

PC: Google

2.Embracing simplicity

The “less is more” philosophy is continuing to gain momentum in product design. Minimalistic design, characterized by clean lines, simplicity, and functionality, is set to dominate in 2024. Consumers appreciate products that are easy to use, and understand, and are aesthetically pleasing. Clean and Minimalist designs not only enhance user experience but also make products far more adaptable to various settings.


3.Color pop

Colour pop has emerged as a prominent industrial design trend, notably championed by innovative brands like Teenage Engineering. By strategically applying vibrant hues to key elements of a product, designers enhance usability by guiding the user’s focus to crucial features. This intentional burst of colour doesn’t just serve an aesthetic purpose; it acts as a visual hierarchy, drawing attention to essential functions or controls. Teenage Engineering’s synthesizers, for instance, utilize colour pop to make knobs and buttons easily distinguishable, streamlining the user experience. This trend not only elevates the visual appeal but also underscores the functional aspect, creating a more intuitive and user-friendly product.

PC: PDAFootball

4.Inclusive and accessible design

Diversity and inclusivity have been at the forefront of product design trends for the last few years and have seen a lot of success. This is most notably seen in companies such as OXO, Target’s Made By Design, and Nike. Designing products that are accessible to all, regardless of ability or background, is not only a moral imperative but also a smart business move. Embracing inclusive design can expand your customer base and foster a positive brand image.

PC: Apple

5.Augmented Reality (AR) integration

Augmented reality is revolutionizing the way consumers interact with products. Integrating AR into product design allows customers to visualize and interact with the product before making a purchase. In 2024, this trend is expected to grow significantly due to the release of the Apple Vision Pro, as it provides a unique and immersive experience, increasing consumer confidence and reducing returns.

PC: Muuto

6.The use of  nature & warm neutrals

The use of Warm and Natural tones/Materials is trending in the world of design. It is a trend embraced by companies like AllBirds, renowned for using sustainable wool in their footwear. Beyond just environmental consciousness, these materials contribute to creating visually calm spaces. Brands like Muuto incorporate wood in furniture, creating a feeling of warmth and eco-friendliness. The surge of interest in bamboo, seen in products from companies like Ekobo, shows this shift toward sustainability working in harmony with calming aesthetics. This incorporation of eco-awareness and calming aesthetic in design resonates with consumers seeking a mindful connection.


7.AI integration into products

The recent launch of the Humane AI Pins is creating a transformative trend in industrial design, propelling AI integration to the forefront. This advancement signifies a shift and promotes new ways to interact with technology. As AI seamlessly integrates into design, products are equipped to become more intuitive, adaptive, and user-centric. The Humane AI Pins, with their emphasis on a user-friendly AI, pave the way for heightened personalization and enhanced AI assistant collaboration. This trend not only displays technological advancements but also a significant leap toward a seamless integration of artificial intelligence into our daily lives.

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8.Invisible tech: merging home aesthetics

A large trend in design sees products seamlessly blending into home aesthetics, drawing inspiration from furniture and interior design trends. An example of this is the Samsung Frame TV disguises itself as an art piece when not in use, fitting in with the living space. Similarly, Google’s home products integrate soft and minimal designs that effortlessly become part of the home decor. This trend not only emphasizes visual cohesion but also transforms the user experience, making technology a discreet part of daily life. As more companies embrace this approach, the impact extends beyond functionality to redefine how technology becomes an integral aspect of everyday life.

9.3D printing advancements

As 3D printing technology continues to advance, it’s opening up new possibilities in product design. In 2024, we can anticipate more intricate and customized designs, rapid prototyping, and reduced production costs. This innovation allows businesses to bring their creative concepts to life in ways that were previously unimaginable.

PC: Patagonia

10.Create a design narrative

Connecting with customers on an emotional level is a powerful way to create brand loyalty.  Creating a design narrative involves evoking feelings and emotions through product aesthetics, functionality, and user experience. A great example is Patagonia’s design narrative. With a commitment to sustainability which resonates deeply with buyers, it elicited emotions of environmental consciousness and ethical consumption. By seamlessly integrating its dedication to eco-friendly practices into every design, Patagonia not only creates high-quality products but also cultivates a profound connection with consumers who value both style and a conscientious approach to fashion.

To conclude, the world of product design is evolving at a rapid pace, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends is essential to remain competitive. Embracing sustainability, minimalism, augmented reality, colour pop, and other design trends will not only enhance your brand’s image but also provide a superior experience for your customers. In 2024, these trends are set to dominate the market, and adapting to them will be the key to success.